Press Centre

The Race Of Heroes

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2018 is a special year of the sport live in our country. Following the modern sports trends in Russia, we support the popularization of sports in the company. Most of our staff are young people who are both intellectually and physically active. At the end of august Estralin took a part in the first All-Russian cross country obstacles race – The Race Of Heroes. Our team (or platoon) consisted of 10 persons, including top-managers of the company. Our colleagues overcame the distance of 10+ km with 30+ of barriers, which is normally used for the training of military specialists. As our colleagues said, they have got great pleasure and a lot of positive emotions from participating in this event! It was far not easy for many of them, but team spirit, responsibility for each other, moral and physical support helped to overcome all the barriers without losing the fighters. Unfortunately, the season of Races came to the end, but we are not going to stop and waiting the new races and new heroes!