Press Centre

Review from High-Voltage Cable Networks

Estralin HVC got a review from High-Voltage Cable Networks, it is a branch of “Moscow United Electric Grid Company”. The letter is about – cable networks operating experience cable with integrated optic fiber. Translation of the letter: Hereby to confirm that at 14 sites of High Voltage cable Grid the branch of OJSC “Moscow United Electric Grid Company” since 2007 a high voltage cable with integrated optofiber screen for the thermal control of cable system is under operation. The cable is produced by Estralin HVC (former ABB Moskable). The cable construction used to to organize cable line temperature monotoring system in HV cable network operated by High Voltage cable Grid. The positive experience of cable with integrated optofiber usage and professionalism of the technical staff of Estralin HVC allows us to recommend this type of equipment for use in high-voltage cable networks.