Electrical networks have to ensure reliable power supply and transfer necessary amount of electricity. Only high-quality accessories perfectly matching power cable can guarantee a high level of operational reliability of cable systems. That’s why Estralin works with reputable producers of power and electric products.
Cable accessories such as cable terminations, joint and etc. are a key element of the cable system. That’s why, it is very important to supply high quality and proven products.
Our company offers a wide range of the products: high-voltage conventional terminations and dry type terminations, different types of joints, dry type and fluid filled GIS terminations, transformer sealing ends on the voltage rating 60-500 kV. The accessories are designed for XLPE cables 60-500 kV with maximum conductor cross-section 2500 mm2.
All supplied products are type tested and long-terms tested with different cable producers. The supplied cable accessories are also test after installation.
Cable accessories producers guarantee long-term storage of their products, mechanical and chemical endurance and commissioning of the accessories immediately after installation. The cable accessories are approved for using in low-temperature regions.
Continuous control of materials quality, production processes and routine testing ensure the compliance of supplied products with the stated specification and requirements of international and local standards.
To learn more about cable accessories, please contact us info@estralin.com