Press Centre

Delivery for Kubanenergo Ltd

The production for 110 kV power line for “Kubanenergo” Ltd has started. The total length of this order is 42 km. This is one of the 12 (twelve) cable projects implemented in Sochi region for the electric power supply and the networks distribution to match the requirements for reliable electric power supply to consumers from Central and Khostinskiy regions of Sochi, as well as for the Olympic infrastructure objects – seaport, auto and transport interchange in the area of Olympic Sports Complex and future ski-resorts. Infrastructure upgrading for coming Olympic Games includes construction of the new substations as well as refurbishing the existing substation, a complex distribution system with a very tight schedule, where everything must be finalized timely before the Olympic Games. The success of the Olympiad 2013 in SOCHI is based on commitment of ESTRALIN CABLES! That’s our motto in Sochi projects realization. ESTRALIN CABLES is proud to be awarded once again such a major key-project that enables safe power transmission and distribution, a recognition of ESTRALIN CABLES’ commitment, know-how, and profesionalism.